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What is React Framework?

What is React?

React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently update and render them as the data changes. React is known for its declarative and efficient programming model, making it a top choice for building modern web applications.

Is React use for front-end and back-end development?

React is primarily used for front-end development, specifically for building user interfaces. It’s a JavaScript library that is focused on the view layer of an application and is commonly used in conjunction with other technologies, such as Node.js, for back-end development. While it’s possible to use React on the back-end with technologies like Next.js or Gatsby, its main purpose is for front-end development.

When should I start React?

It’s best to start learning React once you have a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With these core web development skills, you’ll have a better understanding of the basics needed to build web applications. Once you’re comfortable with these technologies, you can begin learning React.

If you’re new to programming or web development, it’s recommended that you start with the basics before diving into React. You can start by learning HTML and CSS to build static web pages, then move on to JavaScript to add interactivity and functionality. Once you’ve built some projects and feel comfortable with these technologies, you can start learning React.

Ultimately, the best time to start learning React is when you feel ready and confident in your foundational web development skills.

Is React for beginners?

Yes, React can be a good framework for beginners to learn web development. For one, its modular architecture makes it easier to manage and reuse code. Additionally, it has a gentle learning curve compared to other frontend frameworks. Moreover, there is a wealth of learning resources available, including tutorials, documentation, and community support. Therefore, React can be an accessible entry point for those starting to learn web development.

Which is the best book on React for beginners?

“Learning React: A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications Using React and Redux” by Kirupa Chinnathambi is one of the best books for beginners to learn React.

This book provides a gentle introduction to React and covers the basics of building web applications with React and Redux. It includes practical examples and exercises that help you build your own React applications. It also covers topics such as components, props, state, JSX, and React Router.

Another highly recommended book for beginners is “React: Up & Running” by Stoyan Stefanov. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to React and covers the core concepts of building web applications with React. It also includes practical examples and exercises to help you build your own React applications.

What is the average salary of React developer in India?

The average salary of a React developer in India can vary depending on a number of factors such as experience,

location, company size, and industry
location, company size, and industry. However, according to various sources, the average salary for a React developer in India is around ₹6-8 lakhs per annum (equivalent to approximately $8,000-$11,000 USD per year).

Experienced React developers with several years of experience and advanced skills can earn significantly more, with salaries ranging from ₹10-15 lakhs per annum (equivalent to approximately $14,000-$20,000 USD per year) and even higher in some cases. However, it’s important to note that these figures are just averages and can vary greatly based on individual circumstances.

Is React the most used framework?

React is one of the most popular front-end frameworks used for building web applications, but it’s not necessarily the most used framework. Other frameworks such as Angular and Vue.js are also widely used and popular in the web development community. However, React has a large and active developer community, and it is commonly used in many large-scale web applications.

React Syllabus

Introduction to React

  • What is React?
  • Why React?
  • React version history
  • React 16 vs React 15
  • Just React – Hello World
  • Using create-react-app
  • Anatomy of react project
  • Running the app
  • Debugging first react app

Templating using JSX

  • Working with React. createElement
  • Expressions
  • Using logical operators
  • Specifying attributes
  • Specifying children
  • Fragments

About Components

  • Significance of component architecture
  • Types of components
  • Functional
  • Class based
  • Pure
  • Component Composition

Working with state and props

  • What is state and it significance
  • Read state and set state
  • Passing data to component using props
  • Validating props using propTypes
  • Supplying default values to props using defaultProps

Rendering lists

  • Using react key prop
  • Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements

Event handling in React

  • Understanding React event system
  • Understanding Synthetic event
  • Passing arguments to event handlers

Understanding component lifecycle and  handling errors

  • Understand the lifecycle methods
  • Handle errors using error boundaries

Working with forms</str

  • Controlled components
  • Uncontrolled components
  • Understand the significance to default Value prop
  • Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element


  • What is context
  • When to use context
  • Create Context
  • Context.Provider
  • Context.Consumer
  • Reading context in class


  • What is code splitting
  • Why do you need code splitting
  • React.lazy
  • Suspense
  • Route-based code splitting


  • What are hooks
  • Why do you need hooks
  • Different types of hooks
  • Using state and effect hooks
  • Rules of hooks

Routing with react router

  • Setting up react router
  • Understand routing in single page applications
  • Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
  • Configuring route with Route component
  • Using Switch component to define routing rules
  • Making routes dynamic using route params
  • Working with nested routes
  • Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
  • Redirect routes using Redirect Component
  • Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation
  • Path less Route to handle failed matches

Just Redux

  • What is redux
  • Why redux
  • Redux principles
  • Install and setup redux
  • Creating actions, reducer and store


  • What is Immutable.js?
  • Immutable collections
  • Lists
  • Maps
  • Sets

React Redux

  • What is React Redux
  • Why React Redux
  • Install and setup
  • Presentational vs Container components
  • Understand high order component
  • Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage

Redux middleware

  • Why redux middleware
  • Available redux middleware choices
  • What is redux saga
  • Install and setup redux saga
  • Working with Saga helpers
  • Sagas vs promises

Unit Testing

  • Understand the significance of unit testing
  • Understand unit testing jargon and tools
  • Unit testing react components with Jest
  • Unit testing react components with enzyme

Webpack Primer

  • What is webpack
  • Why webpack
  • Install and setup webpack
  • Working with webpack configuration file
  • Working with loaders
  • Working with plugins
  • Setting up Hot Module Replacement

Isomorphic React

  • What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
  • Why SSR
  • Working with render To String and render To StaticM arkup methods

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